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MyBRCC Support

MY BRCC provides single-login access to Canvas, SIS (Student Information System), G-Mail, Navigate Student, Google Drive, College Bookstore, Library Services, etc.  See direct links (below) if MY BRCC is down.


  • Work through the 5 security questions as soon as prompted.
  • Clear browser history, cookies, stored passwords if you have issues.

First Time Student MY BRCC Login

If you have never attended a Virginia community college or taken dual enrollment classes, you will be assigned a username and temporary 24 hour password on the confirmation screen after completing the admissions application.

  1. Log in to MY BRCC within 24 hours after completing the application with your username and temporary password.
  2. After logging in, click the Account Security link at the top right of the screen to change your password and set up your account recovery settings.

First Time Student Temporary Password Resets

If your temporary password expires, or you did not receive a temporary password, please click the “Setup my Account” box on the My BRCC login page.

Your account setup will not be completed until you have enrolled in classes.

Returning Student MY BRCC Login

If you have previously attended a Virginia community college or taken dual enrollment classes, you will not be assigned a new username and password after completing the admissions application.

Log in to MY BRCC with the same username and password you had when you previously attended BRCC or another VCCS school.

Returning Student Login Password Resets

If you’ve forgotten your username or password, use the “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” links in MY BRCC to retrieve your username or reset your password.  If you are still unable to log in, call the Technology Helpdesk at (540) 453-2400 to get your password reset.


Your EMPLID is a 7 digit student ID number.  Always use your EMPLID when requesting BRCC services; never send a Social Security number by Email. 

  1. Log in to MY BRCC
  2. Click on the SIS tile. You will see your EMPLID and VCCS username on the My Student Information tile.


If MY BRCC is unavailable, try the direct links to apps below.

Employee Intranet –


Technology Help Desk
(540) 453-2400
Room E109
M-Th: 8 am-6pm
F: 8 am-5 pm

Open Computer Lab
Room F108
M-Th: 8 am-6 pm