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Usage and Guidelines

Access to the Center

  • All users participate in Center activities at their own risk.
  • Any guest who is not an employee or student of BRCC will need to sign a waiver before they are allowed to use the center.
  • Admission to the Center will only be through confirmed membership (can be completed at the front desk).
  • Persons using the fitness equipment must be at least sixteen years of age.
    • A parent or guardian must be present and responsible for anyone in the Center under the age of sixteen.

Use of the Center

  • Respect for others is the guiding principle for the Recreation Center.
  • Weights are to be re-racked and any sweat is to be removed from equipment after each member’s use.
  • If others are waiting to use the equipment, users will be prompt with rest periods or allow others to work in with them.
  • If listening to personal music please use head phones
  • The Center’s equipment and towel users will exchange their BRCC ID card for the towel or equipment at the front desk. ID cards are held at the desk until the equipment or towel is returned.
  • Center employees are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.
  • Changing of clothes in the Center will be performed only in locker rooms.
  • Appropriate exercise apparel will be worn.
    • Please no rivets, belts or metal zippers.
    • Everyone must wear a shirt
    • Everyone must wear closed toe shoes. Please no shoes that leave marks on the floor or walls.
  • Gym bags, back packs, and personal gear will be stored in a locked locker or in a cubby in the fitness Center. Single use, 10 X 20 inch, combination lockers are available in the family toilet, the women’s locker room, and men’s locker room. Cubbies are available in the lower and upper fitness area.

Expectations for All Participants

  • Existing BRCC expectations will be observed in the Recreation Center. Participants found guilty of disregarding these expectations will be subject to campus disciplinary penalties found in the Student Handbook.
    • Anyone asked to leave the Center will have to meet with the Director before he/she is allowed to return.
    • The College reserves the right to deny membership for the serious breach of rules.  Individuals will be referred to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services for review.
    • Anyone denied membership due to the lack of compliance with rules will not be granted a refund of membership fees.
  • Anyone who damages or otherwise defaces the property is subject to disciplinary action, forfeiture of membership, and criminal and/or civil liability.

Prohibited in the Center

  • Outside food, gum, or beverages except bottled water or low sugar drinks with re-closable tops.
  • Glass containers
  • Photography, audio or visual recording in the Center unless prior permission is granted by the Director.
  • Use of tobacco in any form/electronic cigarettes.
  • Admittance for anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs (either legal or illegal).
  • Bicycles, skateboards or skates
  • Animals (except service animals)
  • Posting of announcements unless prior permission is granted by the Director
  • Yelling, loud sounds, banging or dropping weights
  • Profanity, obscene or degrading language - includes music
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