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Search for Films/Media

Use these library databases to find online videos. Current myBRCC username and password required for access.

Academic Video Online (AVON)
AVON covers a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. It includes a variety of videos with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news programs and newsreels, demonstrations, and raw footage. Patrons will find thousands of award-winning films, including Academy®, Emmy®, and Peabody® winners. Educators will find frequently used films for classroom instruction.

American History in Video Best Bet
American History in Video contains early United/Universal newsreels to capture history as it was made and reported to viewers of the time. The collection also contains award-winning documentaries that bring history alive for students and give library patrons hundreds of educational video titles they can view at home or in the classroom.
Coverage: 1890-

Consumer Health Complete Best Bet
CHC provides convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information. Users can search and browse within medical encyclopedias, popular reference books, and magazine articles. Also includes videos & animations to help understand diagnostics and surgical procedures. This vast collection of videos inform about diseases, conditions & procedures. These streaming health programs are physician-generated with the participation of major medical institutions.

Digital Theatre+ Best Bet New
With a broad range of productions and thousands of authoritative resources from key practitioners and scholars, Digital Theatre+ is the ultimate tool for the study of Drama, Theatre and Performance.

Docuseek2 Essential Collection
The Docuseek2 Essential Collection includes almost 800 of the most recent and popular titles made available for streaming on Docuseek2 from their distributors, which include Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films, Film Movement, MediaStorm, First Run Features, and more. These documentary films are in a variety of subjects, including education, healthcare, science and technology, and critical thinking.

Films on Demand Popular
Films On Demand is our Web-based digital video delivery service that allows you to view streaming videos anytime, anywhere. Choose from thousands of high-quality educational titles in dozens of subject areas. They are also available through our library catalog.

Kanopy Streaming Videos
This link will let your browse Kanopy’s film catalog. BRCC does not provide immediate access to these films. If you wish to access a film that is not currently licensed and available to view, submit the request form in Kanopy and the library staff will follow up with you.

Nursing Reference Center Plus Best Bet
Master nursing best practices with this source for evidence-based information designed specifically for nurses. Nurses use Nursing Reference Center Plus to get answers to questions quickly, access care plans, watch video demonstrations, strengthen nursing skills, earn continuing education credits and much more.

O’Reilly for Higher Education
O’Reilly includes online, full-text tech and business content from more than 250 publishers – along with videos, case studies, expert-curated learning paths and self-assessments on exclusive O’Reilly-produced content from world-renowned innovators and corporate leaders.

The History Makers Digital Archive
148,274 stories are assembled here from life oral history interviews with 2,690 historically significant African Americans as of July 6, 2021. This is the nation’s largest African American video oral history collection.