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Scholarship Programs

Administration of Justice Scholarships

Hubert Gentry Educational Fund – This scholarship is available for students who are enrolled in either the Administration of Justice or Emergency Medical Services program. Eligible applicants for this scholarship will have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention.

Adult Scholarships

Cletus Houff Family Endowed Scholarship – Awarded to students who may otherwise have difficulty attending college. The amount and number of awards is determined each year. Preference may be given to working adults returning to college, single parents furthering their education, or other students with unmet financial need.

Harrisonburg Jaycees Endowed Scholarship – Established by the Harrisonburg Jaycees to assist adult students from Harrisonburg and Rockingham County in attaining educational goals; available to a student in any program. Recipient must be 25 years of age or older and have resided in Harrisonburg or Rockingham County for one year prior to receiving the scholarship.

J. Gray and Janet M. Ferguson Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: students age 25 or older who want to improve their job skills or change careers.

Lareau Consulting Scholarship – This scholarship is available for a single parent who has successfully completed 30 credits or more in any program of study.

Terry G. and Vickie G. Slaubaugh Endowed Scholarship – Established to assist working adults returning to college and single parents furthering their education who have a demonstrated financial need. May be renewed for the second year provided the student remains in good academic standing. (FAFSA required)

Wood/Ward “Pass It On” MBC/BRCC Scholarship – Established for a student enrolled in BRCC and working with an MBC Adult Degree Program Advisor. Strong candidates demonstrate a passion for making a contribution to the world. Students interested in teaching, human services, or other altruistic ventures preferred, though all applicants will be considered.

Agriculture Scholarships

Dennis W. and Mary Jane Rawley Endowed Scholarship – Students who are currently working, or plan to work, in the career fields of agriculture or nursing are eligible for this scholarship. Preference will be given to student with a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Harry L. and Reba S. Rawley Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: preference will be given to a student who is currently working or plans to work in the field of agriculture and has demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Business Scholarships

Atlantic Union Bank Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: students enrolled in the business or accounting degree or certificate programs.

Construction Financial Management Association (Blue Ridge Chapter) Scholarship – This scholarship will be awarded for the purpose of educational expenses. First preference will be for a student enrolled in the AAS Accounting program. Second preference will be a student enrolled in the AAS Business Management program, with an interest in accounting.

Dr. George Lennox Endowed Scholarship – Established for students enrolled in a business certificate or degree program. Preference given to students who demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA required.)

F&M Bank Scholarships – Available for Augusta County and Rockingham County students enrolled in the Accounting or Business Management Associates degree. Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher to be eligible. Preference given to students with a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Judith S. Strickler Endowed Scholarship – Available for students enrolled in Horticulture, Floraculture, or Business certificate or degree program. Students must be high school graduates or equivalent, and preference may be given to those demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required)

College Transfer Scholarships

Anthony and Jessie Zaccaria Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution. Priority given to residents of Staunton/North Augusta County. Selection based on academic potential and financial need. (FAFSA required)

David Allen McKnight Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship is intended for students enrolled in the College Transfer Program. Preference will be given to those students who intend to pursue an education in the fields of Philosophy or Religion after transferring from BRCC.

Julia W. Bland Scholarship – Student enrolled in the College Transfer program are eligible. Preference will be given to student intending to major in English and or teach English. Must have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

NTELOS Endowed Scholarship – Recipients must be enrolled full-time in a terminal degree or college transfer program. Priority goes to residents of Waynesboro, Staunton and Augusta County; second priority will be for residents of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Selection based on high school rank and reference letters. May be renewed for a second year if the recipient completes 24 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.75.

Healthcare and Nursing Scholarships

Brenda F. Wilkinson Endowed Scholarship in Nursing – Available to a nursing student. Selection based on academic potential with preference given to applicants with financial need. (FAFSA required)

Bridgewater Retirement Community Endowed Scholarship in honor of Pearl R. Parks, RN, Director of Nursing – Established to assist a nursing student. Preference may be given to students with financial need. May be renewable providing student remains in good academic standing in the Nursing Program with a minimum 2.5 GPA. (FAFSA required)

Carl & Eric Bailey Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students in the BRCC Nursing or Human Services programs.  Must be residents of the counties of Augusta, Highland, or Rockingham, or the cities within. 

Carolyn Lauritsen Jochen Nursing Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in or planning to enroll in the BRCC Nursing Program; selection based on demonstrated financial need and strong potential for a successful career in nursing. (FAFSA required)

Carrie T. Urso Nursing Scholarship – This scholarship is intended for students enrolled in the BRCC Nursing Program. Recipient will be selected by the Financial Aid Office and should have demonstrated leadership qualities or experience.

Charles and Mary Henderson Healthcare Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: BRCC students who are enrolled in the Nursing or Radiologic Technology program. Must be a resident of Harrisonburg or Rockingham County. Based on academic potential and a preference may be given to students with a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required) 

Christina Gustavson Nursing Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to benefit students enrolled in the Nursing program. Eligible applicants should have demonstrated leadership qualities or experience while enrolled as a BRCC student.

Dennis W. and Mary Jane Rawley Endowed Scholarship – Students who are currently working, or plan to work, in nursing or the career fields of agriculture are eligible for this scholarship. Preference will be given to student with a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: BRCC students who intend to pursue a dental-related career: dentistry, orthodontics, dental hygiene, etc. If there are no potential scholarship recipients who meet this criteria, the scholarship may be awarded to a deserving student in a healthcare-related curriculum.

Dr. Oscar F. Lovelace, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Health Care – Eligibility: enrolled in health care-related curricula, including, but not limited to, Nursing; selection based on demonstrated financial need and academic capability by maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher. Preference may be given to students from within the BRCC service area. (FAFSA required)

Dr. William R. Munsey Scholarship – Eligibility: BRCC students in the Nursing or Veterinary Technology program. Must have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Elaine Parkinson Memorial Nursing Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in the second year of the BRCC Nursing Program; demonstrated financial need; and maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher to retain the scholarship in a subsequent semester. (FAFSA required)

Elton Stearn Estep Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Students enrolled in the BRCC Nursing Program; preference given to students with financial need. (FAFSA required)

Emergency Medical Services Scholarship – Eligible students must be enrolled in the EMS program and accepted into the Paramedic program. Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher and preference given to a student with demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Graves Family Endowed Scholarship – Established students in the Nursing program attain their educational goals.

Gladys Cleek McHone Endowed Scholarship in Nursing – Eligibility: enrolled in the BRCC Nursing program; first priority to resident of Bath County; second priority to a resident of Rockingham County.

Hallie Sayers Lee Endowed Scholarship in Nursing – Eligibility: enrolled in or planning to enroll in the BRCC Nursing program; selection based on demonstrated financial need and strong potential for a successful career in Nursing. Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA to retain scholarship for second semester. (FAFSA required)

Highlands Nursing Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in the BRCC Nursing program ; must reside in Highland, Bath, Pendleton, or Western Augusta counties. Selection based on academic potential with preference given to students with demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Hubert Gentry Educational Fund – This scholarship is available for students who are enrolled in either the Emergency Medical Services or Administration of Justice program. Eligible applicants for this scholarship will have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention.

Jim and Pam Huggins Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: BRCC students enrolled in a program that will lead to a successful career in healthcare or education. Must reside in Staunton and have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required) 

Jo Ann Miller Lowdon Endowed Scholarship in Nursing – Eligibility: intended to benefit a second-year student in the BRCC Nursing program who has financial need and shows promise for a successful career in nursing. (FAFSA required)

John M. and Katherine F. LaVigne Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in or planning to enroll in the BRCC Nursing Program; resident of Staunton, Waynesboro, or Augusta County. Recipients must remain in good academic standing in order to retain the scholarship in subsequent semesters.

Leo Thralls Scholarship(s) Grant – This scholarship is available for students admitted to the BRCC Nursing program.

Linda E. Thompson Memorial Scholarship – Established in memory of Linda E. Thompson, a nurse at Augusta Health. Awarded to non-traditional college-age students enrolled in or planning to enroll in the BRCC Nursing Program, and who reside in Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta, Highland or Nelson County. Recipients must remain in good academic standing in order to retain the scholarship in a subsequent semester.

Martin T. and Mary W. Honke Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students admitted to the BRCC Nursing program, who have a demonstrated financial need as well as academic merit. (FAFSA required)

Mary Grove Memorial Nursing Scholarship – Eligibility: full-time status; already successfully completed first year of the BRCC Nursing program; applicant must have a demonstrated financial need and must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better to retain the scholarship in a subsequent semester. (FAFSA required)

McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club – Nancy and Grover Jaeger Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit a graduate of East Rockingham High School, first year nursing or medical related field student at BRCC, who has financial need and a GPA equal to or greater than 3.0. (FAFSA required)

Paul and Doris Flanagan Scholarship – Eligibility: residents of Staunton, Waynesboro, or Augusta County who are furthering their education the healthcare field. Recipients must remain in good academic standing in order to retain the scholarship in a subsequent semester.

Robert F. and Hattie B. Driver Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students with a demonstrated financial need. First preference students in the BRCC Nursing program or other health-related programs at BRCC. Second preference will be for students enrolled in other career and technical education programs. A 3.0 minimum GPA is required. (FAFSA required)

Sunnyside Communities/Kramer Endowed Nursing Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in the BRCC Nursing program; selection based on strong academic potential and demonstrated intent to work in a long-term care facility. Preference may be given to a student demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required)

Sunnyside Communities/Kramer Nursing Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in the BRCC Nursing program; selection based on strong academic potential and demonstrated intent to work in a long-term care facility. Preference may be given to a student demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required)

Timothy R. Wade II Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Healthcare – Eligibility: students studying in the field of health care, with particular attention those enrolled in the BRCC Nursing Program. Recipients should demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA required)

Waterman Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is available to new or returning students enrolled in or planning to enroll in Nursing, Vet Tech, or EMT program. Preference given to students with a demonstrated financial need. May be awarded for second year if student remains in good academic standing. (FAFSA required)

High School Seniors/Entering Freshmen Scholarships

BRCC Educational Foundation Scholarship for High School Seniors – Selection is based on academic potential, GPA of at least 3.4, two letters of reference and financial need. (FAFSA required)

Cletus Houff Family Endowed Scholarship for Area High Schools – Eligibility: Graduating seniors from Fort Defiance (two), Turner Ashby (one), and Buffalo Gap (one) high schools. Selection by the appropriate high school guidance counselors or their representatives. Applications available in and must be submitted to high school guidance departments. Contact high school guidance department concerning application procedures and deadlines.

Coyner Family Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is available for students who have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention in BRCC. Applicants must be seniors in the Augusta County school system and plan to enter BRCC’s college transfer program. Preference will be given to students who intend to transfer to JMU and who have an academic history that indicates the potential for success, and have engaged in extracurricular activities.

Daily News-Record/Mims Achievement Award – Eligibility: High school seniors residing in the College service region and entering any Associate Degree curriculum. Selection based on financial need, leadership, and academic performance. (FAFSA required)

Harry V. Boney, Jr. Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Entering freshman enrolled in a degree or certificate program. Scholarships may be renewed for a second year if funded and student remains eligible. Preference may be given to students demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required)

John W. Clore, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: first-time students at BRCC, enrolled full-time in an Associate Degree program, while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. May be awarded for two years if student maintains academic standing. Selection is based on applicant’s leadership and scholastic qualities. (FAFSA required)

MGW Communications Endowed Scholarship – Available to full-time entering freshmen from Bath, Highland, or Buffalo Gap High School or home-schooled in the MGW service area. Selection is based on financial need and two reference letters. (FAFSA required) 

Robert L. Halterman “Leg Up” Scholarship – This scholarship will support a student who is graduating from Broadway High School.

Rosberg Family Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Preference given to students graduating from Ft. Defiance and Waynesboro High Schools with a 2.5 GPA or better An eligible recipient must also have a demonstrated record of community service and/or involvement in extra-curricular activities. Second preference may be given to students in the remaining Augusta County high schools, as well as Staunton High School.

VFCCE Partners in Education Scholarship – The purpose of this scholarship is to increase access to higher education. Students must have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Waynesboro Kiwanis Foundation Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: students from Waynesboro High School, Wilson Memorial High School, or Stuarts Draft High School who are enrolled full time in a degree or certificate program; selection based on grades, extracurricular activities, and required student essay.

Human Services Scholarships

Carl & Eric Bailey Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students in the Human Services or BRCC Nursing programs. Must be residents of the counties of Augusta, Highland, or Rockingham, or the cities within.

Mental Health America of Augusta A.R. “Pete” Geisen Jr. Scholarship – Eligibility: awarded to a student who is in the second year of the Human Services program. Recipients should have a strong potential for a successful career in Mental Health and Human Services.

Right Start (For You) Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: first-year student in the Human Services program; selection based on financial need; may be renewed if student maintains academic standing. (FAFSA required)

Liberal Arts Scholarships

Phill Ungar Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Art: This scholarship is intended to benefit students with a demonstrated financial need who are passionate about art. First priority will be for transfer students enrolled in Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts. Second priority will be for students enrolled in one of three art-related Career Studies Certificates – Art: Creative Design and Marketing I, Art: Creative Design and Marketing II, or Graphic Design. Should no applicant meet the guidelines above, the scholarship may be awarded to a student with financial need. (FAFSA required)

Open Scholarships

Andrew L. and Anne D. Shifflett Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students with financial need. (FAFSA Required)

Bill and Lisa Moore Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students who otherwise may be unable to afford the costs of their education.

Boxley Organization / McDonald’s Endowed Scholarship – Established to benefit BRCC students who are employees or children of employees from the following McDonald’s locations: Shenandoah, Woodstock, New Market, Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, or Waynesboro (Town Center location). Preference given to those who demonstrate financial need; demonstrated academic capability by maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 or above. (FAFSA required)

BRCC Educational Foundation Scholarships – This scholarship opportunity selection will be based on academic potential and demonstrated financial need. A GPA of 3.4 or higher is required. (FAFSA required)  

Bright Future Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is available for students pursuing a Career Studies Certificate and has a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Catherine O. and Lyall O. Steger, Jr. Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrollment in any certificate or degree program; preference given to students demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required) 

Charles Pascale Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in any certificate or degree program; selection based on determination, academic performance, and financial need. (FAFSA required)

Chris and Becky Earhart Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit BRCC students who have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Conner-Glenn-Kiger-King Endowed Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to benefit students who have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention. (FAFSA required)

Daniel W. and Nancy R. Brubaker Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended for students who have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention, and whose academic history indicates potential for success.

Donald M. and Anita Kersch Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: established to assist BRCC students in the Great Expectations program by providing assistance with tuition, books, and other educational expenses. Preference may be given to a student who has a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required).

Dwight and Carolyn Houff Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrollment in any certificate or degree program; preference given to students demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA required)

F. H. Harrison, Jr. Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Preference given to a graduate of Broadway High School enrolled full- or part-time in any degree or certificate program. Selection may be based on financial need. (FAFSA required)

Frank and Nancy Summers Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: students residing in Western Augusta County; first preference to residents of Augusta Springs, Craigsville, Fordwick, or Goshen. Second preference to graduates of Buffalo Gap High School. Selection will also be based on a 2.5 or higher GPA and demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Fulton Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students who may be financially vulnerable due to individual circumstances. (FAFSA required)

George M. and Lee Stuart Cochran Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrollment in any certificate or degree program; selection may be based on financial need. (FAFSA required)

Harry F. and Margaret M. Flippo Foundation Scholarship – This scholarship is available to students who are enrolled in a degree or certificate program and who reside in Harrisonburg or Rockingham County area.

Henry C. Clark and Mary Ann B. Clark Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: Students enrolled in any program.

James A. and Odella M. Armstrong Endowed Scholarship – Open to students enrolled in any program; selection based on scholarship, character, and merit.

Kiwanis Club of Waynesboro Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in any degree or certificate program; first preference given to graduates of Waynesboro High School, Fishburne Military School, and/or Stuarts Draft High School. Second preference given to graduates of other Augusta County high schools. Selection based on financial need and GPA of 2.5 or higher. (FAFSA required)

Lawrence Companies Scholarship – Established to honor the employees and customers of Lawrence Transportation Systems. Eligibility: resident of the cities of Staunton or Waynesboro, and Augusta County enrolled in any program. Selection based on good academic standing and financial need. (FAFSA required)

Linda B. Light and J. Douglas Light Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students enrolled in BRCC who have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Lumos Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship was established to assist a student who has demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Root Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in any degree or certificate program; demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Neall Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in any degree or certificate program; demonstrated financial need; 2.5 GPA or higher required. (FAFSA required.)

Owen and Ruth Grove Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligible students must be enrolled in any certificate or degree program and have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Papa John’s Pizza Textbook Assistance Fund – Eligibility: established to provide textbook support for financially-needy students. (FAFSA required)

Sandra Bonin Anderson Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled for six or more credit hours in any degree or certificate program.

SunTrust Bank Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrollment in any certificate or degree program; selection based on academic performance.

Thelma Showker Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled in any degree or certificate program; demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

United Bank Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: resident of Augusta County enrolled in any degree or certificate program; demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Warren Lloyd Braun, Jr. Endowed Scholarships – Eligibility: Full-time enrollment in any program; selection based on academic achievement and potential, as well as financial need. (FAFSA required)

William Edwards Inc. Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students enrolled in any program who have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Zane D. Showker Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrolled full time in any degree program; selection based on demonstrated financial need and academic performance. (FAFSA required)

Returning Students’ Scholarships

BRCC Faculty Senate Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: completed a minimum of 24 credits; GPA of at least 3.0; preference may be given to students with demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

BRCC Staff Senate Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed 30 or more credit hours and has a 3.2 or higher GPA is eligible for this scholarship.  Two reference letters are required.

Daily News-Record/Richard R.J. Morin Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: second-year student who has completed at least 24 credit hours at BRCC. Selection based on financial need, leadership, and academic performance. (FAFSA required)

STEM Scholarships

Ambient Electromagnetic Therapy Fund – Students seeking careers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Must have a demonstrated financial need. Minimum 2.5 GPA required. (FAFSA required)

Terry Watson STEM Scholarship – Students with a demonstrated financial need who are underrepresented in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are eligible for this scholarship. Minimum 2.5 GPA is required. (FAFSA required)

Student Ambassadors Scholarships

The BRCC Student Ambassadors is a service organization that works with various departments to promote the image of the college and maintain relationships with former, current, and future students. Eligible applicants for this scholarship must maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and be current students enrolled in at least 6 credits during the fall and spring semester. For more information on the criteria and expectations for this scholarship, visit Student Ambassadors.

Technology and Career Scholarships

Benjamin Cooper Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Students enrolled in technology-related course of study are eligible for this scholarship. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need. Additional preference may be given to a student from the Waynesboro Area. (FAFSA required)

Dennis O. Burnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students in a BRCC career and technical programs who reside in Augusta, Bath, Highland, Page, Rockbridge, Rockingham and Shenandoah Counties or the cities of Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro. Preference may be given to a student with a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Julia N. and James A. Grandle Endowed Scholarship: This scholarship will be awarded to students enrolled in a career/technical program, as opposed to college transfer, who have a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Richard D. Davis Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit student in the BRCC career and technical education programs and who have a demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are also active participants in BRCC NSLS organization. (FAFSA required)

Victor VanDessel & Irving Franklin Clark Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: students enrolled in a technical degree program. Selection based on academic achievement and potential, as well as a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA required)

Automotive Analysis and Repair Scholarships

Charles B. Cook Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: intended to benefit students in the Automotive Analysis and Repair Program as a first priority. If there are no applicants from the Automotive program then students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Technology, Technical Studies, Veterinary Technology or other technical program may be considered. Eligible applicants must have a demonstrated financial need. Students must remain in good academic standing to receive scholarship in subsequent semester. (FAFSA required)

Lloyd Meadows Memorial Endowed Scholarship – Eligible students are accepted into the Automotive Analysis & Repair program; selection is based on financial need and career potential. Information on application deadlines will be available to students admitted in the Automotive Program after the beginning of the Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

Aviation Maintenance Scholarships

Dynamic Aviation Scholarship – Awards for students enrolled in the Aviation Maintenance Technology program. Selection based on demonstrated financial need and a strong potential for a successful career in Aviation Maintenance Technology. Applications will be made available after the beginning of the Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

Electronics Technology Scholarships

ComSonics, Inc. Electronics Scholarship – Eligibility: full-time enrollment in the electronics program; selection based on academic performance.

Mechanical Design/Engineering Technology Scholarships

Janet Bell Meiss Endowed Scholarship – Students enrolled in the Engineering or the Sciences degrees; Preference given to students with a demonstrated need. (FAFSA required)

Joseph Nielsen Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: At least part-time enrollment in Mechanical Design Technology; selection based on financial need, academic potential, and leadership ability. (FAFSA required)

Riddleberger Brothers, Inc. Endowed Scholarship – Available to a student enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Technology program. Preference may be given to the student who demonstrates financial need and enrolls full-time. (FAFSA required)

Veterinary Technology Scholarships

Ashley Kern, LVT Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to benefit student(s) enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. Eligible applicants will be single parents who have a financial situation such that receiving the scholarship will be beneficial to their enrollment and retention. (FAFSA required)

Blue Ridge Equine Clinic Equine and Large Animal Scholarship – This scholarship is available for students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology Program. Selection will be based on a demonstrated financial need and a strong potential for a successful career. First preference will be given to a student who plans to enter the field of equine medicine. Second preference will be given to a student who plans to work in the field of large animal medicine. Applications are available after the beginning of each Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

James B. Richardson Jr. Family Endowed Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students in the BRCC Veterinary Technology program. The award will be distributed evenly over fall and spring semesters, and the recipient must remain in good academic standing to receive the scholarship in the spring semester and/or subsequent year. Applications are available after the beginning of each Fall semester.

JAVMA Scholarship – This scholarship is intended to benefit students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program who are in good academic standing. The annual scholarship will be divided evenly between two deserving students. Preference will be given to students who are from – or working in a veterinary practice in – Charlottesville or the surrounding area, including the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Nelson or Orange. VET TECH Applications are available after the beginning of each Fall semester. A 2.0 GPA is required.

Maggi Peterson Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship was established to assist student enrolled in the Veterinary Technology Program. Preference will be given to student with a demonstrated financial need. Applications will be available after the beginning of the Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Martin Veterinary Technology Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: full-time, second-year Veterinary Technology student. Selection based on GPA and student essay. Applications available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

Patricia MacKenzie Memorial Scholarship in Veterinary Technology – Eligibility: second-year students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. Recipient must demonstrate professionalism in the Veterinary Technician’s position, appreciate the value of strong communication in a veterinary practice, and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

Randy and Barbara Sheffield Scholarship – Students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program are eligible for this scholarship. Eligible applicants will be graduates from one of the Augusta county public high schools – Buffalo Gap, Fort Defiance, Riverheads, Stuarts Draft, and/ or Wilson Memorial. Recipients must remain in good academic standing to receive the scholarship award in a subsequent semester. Applications will be available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

Robert E. and Jane W. Ritchie Endowed Scholarship in Veterinary Technology – Eligibility: residents of Augusta and Rockingham counties or the cities within enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. Recipient must also have a demonstrated financial need and a minimum 3.0 GPA to receive, as well as to retain the scholarship. Applications available after the beginning of the Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

Sycamore Veterinary Hospital/Taryn L. Singleton, LVT Endowed Scholarship – Eligible applicants must be a student member of the Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians and an active member of the BRCC Veterinary Technology Club. Recipients must remain in good academic standing to receive this scholarship in a subsequent semester. Applications will be available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

Vedith T. Smith Veterinary Technology Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to benefit students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology Program who have a demonstrated financial need. Eligible applicants are chosen because they demonstrate a strong potential for a successful career in Veterinary Technology. (FAFSA required)

Veterinary Technology Large Animal and Equine Scholarship – Eligibility: second-year Vet Tech student. First preference will be for a student who plans to enter the field of equine medicine. Second preference for a student who plans to work in the field of large animal medicine. Applications are available after the beginning of each Fall semester.

Veterinary Technology Scholarships – Several scholarships will be available for students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology Program. Applications available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

Virginia Academy of Small Animal Medicine Ralph Lee Scholarship – Eligibility:  intended for students currently enrolled in their second year of the Veterinary Technology program and is on-campus. Students must have a demonstrated financial need and maintain a 2.5 GPA or better to retain the scholarship in a subsequent semester. Applications are available after the beginning of each Fall semester. (FAFSA required)

William Walter Reams Endowed Scholarship – Eligibility: enrollment in the Veterinary Technology Program. Selection based, in part, on an essay in which applicants explain why they wish to be veterinary technicians and what their future plans are. Further emphasis in the selection process should include enthusiasm for this type of work and practical skills, such as animal care, lab work, externship, etc. Applications available after the beginning of the Fall semester.

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