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Dependency Appeals

While most students under 24 will be required to include their parent information on the FAFSA, some students have unusual situations in which it is not possible to obtain parent information. In some unusual cases, you may appeal for an override of your dependency status.

More Information

Some examples of reasons that students might submit an appeal for a dependency status override are:

  • You are estranged from your parents or were placed in the custody of a non-parent because of abuse or neglect.
  • Parent(s) are incarcerated or institutionalized,
  • Parent(s) live in a war-torn country and you are unable to contact them in any way.
  • Other documentable circumstance that demonstrates that a parental information cannot or should not be obtained.

For any appeal for an override of dependency status, documentation will be required.

Per federal regulations, an appealĀ cannotĀ be based on any of the following:

  • Student Financial self-sufficiency or not being claimed on parent tax returns
  • Parental unwillingness to contribute to college costs
  • Parental unwillingness to complete the FAFSA or provide documents or signatures for verification

If you believe you have an unusual circumstance that would qualify for an dependency override, please complete the Dependency Appeal. If you are not sure if your situation would qualify, please contact the financial aid office to set up a brief phone interview to assist us in determining whether the appeal process is right for you.

Contact Financial Aid

Phone: (540) 453-2301


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