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Deferred Gifts

You might consider making a deferred gift to the Educational Foundation by including specific language in your will, naming the Foundation as the recipient of your planned gift. Your will can include gifts in the form of property (cash, securities and personal property): a percentage of your estate; and/or the residue of your estate (property remaining after other bequests have been fulfilled).

Your estate is allowed an unlimited deduction for cash and other property that you leave to the Educational Foundation. Please contact your attorney to help you plan the type of bequest that best suits your needs.

Life Insurance

Life insurance provides several effective ways to benefit the College:

Your gift of life insurance will provide the Educational Foundation with a substantial gift while you pay relatively modest premium payments. Your gift of life insurance will not be delayed during the administration of your estate. Proceeds from the policy can be paid promptly to the Educational Foundation. Your gift of an insurance policy that is paid up or partially paid up may be advantageous if your family responsibilities are no longer as substantial as they were in the past.

Please ask your life insurance agent for further details on the numerous types of insurance gifts you can make to the BRCC Educational Foundation.

Retirement Savings

You may make a charitable contribution to the BRCC Educational Foundation by naming it as a beneficiary of a portion of your retirement funds. If you wish to make this type of gift, please contact the administrator or person in charge of your IRA, profit-sharing account, or other retirement plan.