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Students currently enrolled in a Manufacturing Electronics Program at BRCC are eligible for college credit if they hold current certifications in any of the trainings listed below.  To request college credit, students should email pictures of current certifications to

American Welding Society (AWS)

Students who can provide current AWS Structural Welding Certification in both 3G (Vertical) and 4G (Overhead) positions may receive credit for MEC 111, Materials for Industry (3 credits).

Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI) Certifications

Students who can provide current certifications issued by the Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI) may be eligible for Credit for Prior Learning as stated below.

Manufacturing Specialist (MS) Certification

Students who can provide Manufacturing Specialist Certification in both categories:  1) Mathematics and Measurement Category (Three critical Technical Skills:  Measurement, Algebra, Math for Quality) 2) Spatial Reasoning and Manufacturing Technology Category (6 Critical Technical Skills:  Spatial Reasoning, Mechanics, Fluid Power and Thermodynamics, Electricity, Chemistry, and Manufacturing Processes and Control) may receive credit for IND 165, Principles of Industrial Technology I (4 credits).

MT1: Manufacturing Technician Level 1

Students who can document successful completion of the Manufacturing Technician Level 1 will be awarded MAC 195, Math Applications for Mechanisms (2 credits) and IND 181, World Class Manufacturing I (3 credits).

National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS)

Students who can provide NIMS Level 1 Machining Certifications in both (1) Measurement, Materials & Safety (2) Job Planning, Benchwork & Layout may receive credit for MEC 112, Processes for Industry (3 credits).

National Center for Construction Education and Research

Students who can provide current Industrial Maintenance Mechanic – Level 3 certification may receive credit for MAC 156 Mechanisms I (3 credits) and MAC 157 Mechanisms II (3 credits).

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10-Hour

Students who can provide current OSHA 10 Certification may receive credit for SAF 130, Industrial Safety – OSHA 10 (1 credit).

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