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International Baccalaureate (IB)

BRCC awards credit for successful completion of the following International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations in high school.  Credit will be granted for scores of “5” and above on standard level courses and “4” and above on higher level courses that are applicable to the student’s current plan of study.

To request college credit for IB scores, follow the steps below:

Blue Ridge Community College
Student Records
One College Lane
PO Box 80
Weyers Cave, VA  24486

Standard Level

Language and Literature

Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
English A: LiteratureENG 112ENG 225

Language Acquisition

Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
Spanish ab initioSPA 101SPA 101-102
Spanish BSPA 101-102SPA 101-102

Individuals and Societies

Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
Business ManagementBUS 200BUS 200
EconomicsECO 150ECO 150
GeographyGEO 220GEO 220
Global PoliticsPLS 241PLS 241
HistoryHIS 111HIS 111
PhilosophyPHI 101PHI 101
PsychologyPSY 200PSY 200
World ReligionsREL 230REL 230


Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
BiologyBIO 101BIO 101
ChemistryCHM 101CHM 101
PhysicsPHY 201PHY 201-202
Sports, Exercise, and Health ScienceHLT 116HLT 116


Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
Mathematics: Analysis and ApproachesMTH 167MTH 167
Mathematics: Applications and InterpretationMTH 161MTH 161


Subject ExamScore of 5Score of 6 or 7
FilmCST 151CST 151
MusicNoneMUS 121

Higher Level

Language and Literature

Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
English A: LiteratureENG 112ENG 225

Language Acquisition 

Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
Spanish BSPA 101-102; 201-202SPA 101-102; 201-202

Individuals and Societies

Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
Business ManagementBUS 200BUS 200
EconomicsECO 150ECO 150
GeographyGEO 220GEO 220
Global PoliticsPLS 241PLS 241-242
HistoryHIS 111HIS 111-112
PhilosophyPHI 101PHI 101
PsychologyPSY 200PSY 200


Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
BiologyBIO 101BIO 101-102
ChemistryCHM 111CHM 111-112
PhysicsPHY 201PHY 201-202
Sports, Exercise, and Health ScienceHLT 116HTL 116


Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
Mathematics: Analysis and ApproachesMTH 261MTH 263
Mathematics: Applications and InterpretationMTH 261MTH 263


Subject ExamScore of 4 or 5Score of 6 or 7
FilmCST 151CST 151
MusicNoneMUS 121