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Credit through Portfolio Development

Credit-by-Portfolio may be granted when documented proof of experience in a setting outside of the college classroom is presented by the student to BRCC for the purpose of demonstrating achievement of learning outcomes in a BRCC course that applies toward the student’s current plan of study. Students interested in pursuing credit-by-portfolio should contact an advisor or faculty member to discuss eligibility. See examples below of credit-by-portfolio courses.  Students may not petition for Institutional Credit-by-Portfolio for a particular course if they previously earned a grade (either for credit or audit – A, B, C, D, F, P+, P-, W, or X) in that course, either at BRCC or at another institution.  Credit-by-portfolio may not transfer to another college or university.  Students who intend to transfer should check with the transfer institution prior to submitting documentation toward Credit-by-Portfolio.

Steps to Petition for Credit-by-Portfolio

  • The student will meet with an academic advisor or faculty member to discuss the credit-by-portfolio process and to complete the required online form.
  • The academic advisor or faculty member submits the form to the appropriate academic dean, who approves or disapproves the request. 
  • If approved, the dean forwards the credit-by-portfolio request to the appropriate faculty member as needed. 
  • The faculty member subsequently contacts the student to discuss documentation requirements for credit-by-portfolio.
  • After the documentation is submitted, the faculty member indicates its results to the appropriate academic dean.  Final approval will be considered by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.
  • Student is notified via their VCCS email of the results.

Current Credit-by-Portfolio Opportunities

  • Any ETR courses
  • ITE 182 – Computer Help Desk
  • ADJ 215 – Report Writing for Law Enforcement

How to Demonstrate Achievement of the Learning Outcomes

For each identified BRCC course, create a table that lists each objective in one column. In the second column, specifically describe the life or work experience that led to achievement of this learning outcome.  Include how and when the knowledge or skill was acquired and how it has been used or applied. In the third column, indicate any included documentation that will demonstrate that the learning outcome has been achieved. The most common reasons for disapproval of requests for credit by portfolio submission are failure to demonstrate that all important course objectives have been achieved through life or work experience or failure to provide adequate external documentation of the learning outcomes.