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Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

BRCC awards credit for successful completion of the following Advanced Placement examinations in high school. Credit will be granted for a score of “3” or higher on examinations that are applicable to the student’s current plan of study.

To request college credit for AP scores, follow the steps below:

Beginning with the Fall 2025 semester, all VCCS schools will offer the same courses for the same AP exam scores. 
For students enrolled in programs beginning Fall 2025 and beyond the new AP scores will be applied. Please use this list of AP Exams, acceptable scores, and VCCS courses awarded (PDF)


Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
2-D Art and Design3 or higherART 1313
3-D Art and Design3 or higherART 1323
Art History3ART 1013
Art History4 or higherART 101-1026
Drawing3 or higherART 1213
Music Theory3 or higherMUS 1113


Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
English Language and Composition3 or 4ENG 1113
English Language and Composition5ENG 111-1126
English Literature and Composition3 or 4ENG 1113
English Literature and Composition5ENG 111-1126

History and Social Sciences

Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
Comparative Government and Politics3 or higherPLS 1403
European History3HIS 1013
European History4 or higherHIS 101-1026
Human Geography3 or higherGEO 2103
Macroeconomics3 or higherECO 2013
Microeconomics3 or higherECO 2023
Psychology3 or higherPSY 2003
U.S. Government and Politics3 or higherPLS 1353
U.S. History3HIS 1213
U.S. History4 or higherHIS 121-1226
World History: Modern3HIS 1113
World History: Modern4 or higherHIS 111-1126

Math and Computer Science

Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
Calculus AB3MTH 2613
Calculus AB4 or higherMTH 2634
Calculus BC3MTH 2634
Calculus BC4 or higherMTH 263-2648
Computer Science A3 or higherCSC 2213
Computer Science Principles3 or higherCSC 1103
Statistics3 or higherMTH 2453


Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
Biology3BIO 1014
Biology4 or higherBIO 101-1028
Chemistry3CHM 1014
Chemistry4 or higherCHM 111-1128
Environmental Science3ENV 1214
Environmental Science4 or higherENV 121-1228
Physics 1: Algebra-Based3 or higherPHY 2014
Physics 2: Algebra-Based3 or higherPHY 2024
Physics C – Mechanics3 or higherPHY 2014
Physics C – Mechanics4 or higherPHY 241 (or PHY 201)4
Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism 3 or higherPHY 2024
Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism 4 or higherPHY 242 (or PHY 202)4

World Languages and Cultures

Exam TitleRequired ScoreBRCC CourseCredits
Chinese Language and Culture3CHI 101-10210
Chinese Language and Culture4CHI 101-102; 20114
Chinese Language and Culture5CHI 101-102; 201-20218
French Language and Culture3FRE 101-1028
French Language and Culture4FRE 101-102; 20111
French Language and Culture5FRE 101-102; 201-20214
German Language and Culture3GER 101-1028
German Language and Culture4GER 101-102; 20111
German Language and Culture5GER 101-102; 201-20214
Italian Language and Culture3ITA 101-1028
Italian Language and Culture4ITA 101-102; 20111
Italian Language and Culture5ITA 101-102; 201-20214
Japanese Language and Culture3JPN 101-1028
Japanese Language and Culture4JPN 101-102; 20112
Japanese Language and Culture5JPN 101-102; 201-20216
Latin3LAT 101-1026
Latin4LAT 101-102; 2019
Latin5LAT 101-102; 201-20212
Spanish Language and Culture3SPA 101-1028
Spanish Language and Culture4SPA 101-102; 20111
Spanish Language and Culture5SPA 101-102; 201-20214
Spanish Literature and Culture3SPA 2023