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Transfer of Credit Awarded from Another College/University

The evaluation of transcripts is intended as a service to students who are pursuing academic programs at BRCC. BRCC will award applicable transfer credit for courses completed at other post-secondary educational institutions, provided certain criteria are met.

Regional Accreditation Policy

Credit is generally acceptable for transfer if it is earned from a college or university that is accredited by one of the regional accrediting agencies listed below and is comparable to coursework required in the student’s BRCC curriculum.


Courses for which transfer credit is awarded must be similar in content, credit, and learning outcomes to their counterpart courses at BRCC. Program faculty may be consulted about the award of transfer credit for technical courses completed more than five years previously. To be eligible for transfer:

  • Courses must show a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher in any course for which transfer credit is requested. Courses with “P” grades will be awarded transfer credit only if the “P” grade is equivalent to a “C” (2.0) or higher grade.
  • Only credit hours are transferred to BRCC; not grades or grade point average.


  • Prospective students should first submit an application for admission.
  • Students must ensure they are placed in the degree-seeking program of their choice. If the student’s program of study has changed, students should submit the Program/Plan Change Form to get that updated.
  • Request official transcript(s) from all previous institutions (transcripts from other VCCS schools are not required). Unofficial transcripts can be used for advising purposes, but will not be considered for transfer credit. Electronic transcripts must be sent directly from the previous institution to BRCC to be considered official. Transcripts sent to the student and then forwarded will not be considered as official. BRCC does not accept faxed transcripts. Send transcripts to:

Blue Ridge Community College
Student Records
One College Lane
PO Box 80
Weyers Cave, VA  24486

  • Submit the online “Transcript Evaluation Request Form.” Official evaluations will be completed by the Registrar’s Office within 30 days of receiving the request form and all official transcripts. Transfer students do not need to wait for an evaluation to enroll in classes. Academic Advisors can assist students with enrolling in courses at BRCC that have not been completed elsewhere.
  • All acceptable courses will be transferred as closely to the BRCC course equivalent as possible. Direct course credit cannot be given for a course not included in the VCCS Master Course File. In this case only elective credit may be given. Please see below for information on Substitution of Credit or Program Adjustment.
  • Maximum of 45 credits will be transferred in as applicable to the student’s degree plan on record in the Student Information System (SIS) at the time of the request. Students are required to complete a minimum of 25% of their degree program at BRCC.
  • Students are contacted via VCCS email once the evaluation is complete.

International Transcripts

Transcripts from non-U.S. institutions must be evaluated by an approved evaluation agency. The official transcript evaluation must be sent directly from the agency to BRCC. Students are encouraged to have their foreign transcripts evaluated course-by-course rather than by degree. BRCC does not endorse any specific evaluation agency. Below is a list of potential options. For a complete list of member agencies, go to National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).

Global Credential Evaluators
Phone:  800-707-0979

International Consultants of Delaware, Inc.
Phone: 215-243-5858

Phone: 713-266-8805

Josef Silny and Associates
Phone:  305-273-1616

World Education Services
Telephone: 212-739-6100

Credit for SDV 100 – College Success Skills

SDV 100, College Success Skills (1 credit) will be granted to all students who have completed an associate degree or baccalaureate degree program from a regionally accredited college/university. To receive credit, please submit official transcripts to Student Records.

Substitution of Credit or Program Adjustment

Courses from a regionally accredited college/university that do not share an equivalency with BRCC may still be eligible for transfer credit as long as the credit applies to the student’s current plan of study. Students should meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss award of credit based on Program Adjustment. Students will need to supply course syllabi from the previous institution which will be reviewed by relevant faculty and their Academic Dean for eligibility. Students will have a final decision in writing to their VCCS email within 30 days.

Credit for Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions

If a student requests transfer credit from a non-regionally accredited institution, it is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation that the course taken meets similar standards to the course offered at BRCC. Credit will only be awarded if the credits apply to the student’s current plan of study.  To appeal for credit from a non-regionally accredited institution, the student must supply to Student Records:

  • An official Transcript showing the student earned a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher.
  • Credentials of the teaching faculty member for each requested transfer course
  • A Syllabus from each course; not a course description from the Catalog.
  • Additional information may be requested.


Students have the right to appeal an official evaluation performed by the Registrar’s Office. To start the appeal process, please submit the College Transcript Evaluation Appeal form and all supporting documents to The Appeal will be reviewed by the Dean of Student Services as well as the Academic Deans and any relevant faculty members. Students will have a final decision in writing to their VCCS email within 30 days.