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Technology Services Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) covers network and device services.


BRCC College faculty, staff, and students.


Blue Ridge Community College’s computing and communications environment will support the information technology requirements related to the College’s mission and the attainment of its goals. This will be accomplished through the use of a compatible information technology environment that utilizes proven technology and is cost effective.

Services Covered

Technology Services (TS) will provide:

  1. network and operations support,
  2. Help Desk support,
  3. installation and repair,
  4. vendor management, and
  5. modification and maintenance of the network infrastructure.

Service Goals

Our goal is to manage technology resources to maintain a 98% availability of college hardware and software systems during coverage hours. (This 98% availability applies to all components housed within and under the direct control of TS at Blue Ridge Community College. Outages of VCCS Information Technology Services (ITS) based resources – e.g., SIS, AIS, HRMS, Canvas, Google Apps, Email servers- are beyond immediate TS management control and are not covered in this agreement).



Technology Help Desk – (540) 453-2400
Manager – (540) 453-2525
Email –

CIO (Director), Technology Services – (540) 453-2590


Technology Help Desk – (540) 453-2400
Manager – (540) 453-2525
Email –

Coverage Hours

Help Desk and Open Lab hours are posted on

Environments Supported

All computers and peripherals that were purchased with approval of TS are supported. Computers originally purchased as standalone machines that do not conform to the published standards will remain standalone.

All telecommunications and network equipment are supported by TS.

All software applications, databases and file server components that have been installed by TS.

Method for Requesting Services


In order for TS to meet the needs of all users, all problem reports, computer related questions, requests for computer services, etc., must be directed to the Help Desk.

Call (540) 453-2400 or

If possible, the first level Help Desk technician that receives your call will handle your request. If additional information or assistance is needed, a TS service ticket will be opened and escalated to the appropriate support personnel. We will make every effort to respond to your inquiry within one business day, whenever the school is open. 

To request software installation on your BRCC workstation, please fill out this Software Request Form and email it to


In addition to the above methods, students may also receive help by asking the assistants in the Open Lab during regular Lab hours.

Web Support