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Facilities Use

Blue Ridge Community College makes its facilities available to non-college groups and organizations on a space available basis. PDF requires Acrobat Reader.

I. Priorities for Use of College Facilities

  1. Educational programs of the College including student activities;
  2. College sponsored non-credit activities;
  3. Other approved (see Section III below) educational programs sponsored by approved agencies;
  4. Events and/or activities sponsored by community groups within the areas served by the College.

II. Facilities Available for Use

The Robert E. Plecker Workforce Center is available for rentals to outside groups including businesses, professional and community organizations, and private groups. Information about rentals of the Plecker Workforce Center are located on the BRCC web page at This procedure is for facilities at Blue Ridge Community College other than the Plecker Workforce Center and the Recreation Center. The Recreation Center is not available for use by outside groups.

The following College facilities are available as space permits:

  1. large lecture rooms
  2. general purpose classrooms
  3. conference rooms
  4. college grounds, i.e. parking lots and picnic area.

Generally, the spaces listed above are available for occasional (meaning once every 60 days), rather than ongoing use. Non-college groups and organizations can reserve the spaces within the current academic semester. Community organizations requesting the use of the College grounds (item d, Section I above) must submit a certificate of insurance along with the application for facilities usage.

Computer laboratory usage is generally limited to credit classes offered by the College and non-credit classes offered through the College’s Workforce and Continuing Education. In addition, special requests will be considered on an individual basis. In general, requests for use involving an application currently available on the BRCC network is free to use. If the appropriate software is not installed on the BRCC network, Technical Services will investigate the possibility if providing a temporary installation.

Organizations/groups using college facilities must return the space to its original condition before leaving campus.

III. Procedure for Requesting Use of College Facilities

A facilities application is completed and submitted by the organization/group requesting the use of BRCC facilities. Applications are available upon request from the office of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

Upon receipt of the request, the application is reviewed and approved by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services or his designee and is subject to review by the College president. If the request is unusual and/or requires that the College perform special services, the application is discussed with the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services prior to approval. A copy of the approved facilities agreement is provided to the applicant as authorizing documentation.

No promotion, publicity, or advertising (printed or otherwise) may state, imply, or allude to any sponsorship or affiliation by BRCC. The organization/group should include their own phone number for information in any promotions or advertising. College phone numbers may not be used.

IV. Criteria Used for Approval of Requests

In general, requests for space are approved if:

  1. the sponsoring organization is a public agency; and
  2. the function planned does not duplicate or conflict with the College programs or the College mission; does not interfere with normal college operations or with public access to college buildings; does not violate any laws, leases, or other contracts; the activity is compatible with the safety and security of the College community; and no fee is charged by the sponsoring organization; and
  3. suitable space is available and the College can accommodate the arrangements requested.

V. Fees

In most cases, no fee will be charged for the use of space. If special services are involved, however, the College may set an appropriate charge based on the actual costs incurred by BRCC for those services. The College does not arrange catering. The College reserves the right to refuse requests during non-operating hours. The College reserves the right to cancel a reservation for any facilities related issues or anytime the college is closed for weather or other conditions. If the College cancels a reservation, there shall be no cost to BRCC.

Approved by College Board: June 17, 2020

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(540) 234-9261

Box 80, One College Lane
Weyers Cave, Virginia 24486

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