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BRCC Raises Hunger Awareness With Week of Activities

Virginia Hunger Symposium logo

Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (BRAFB) are partnering once again to raise the profile of hunger, both locally and abroad. The 18th Annual Virginia Hunger Symposium is designed not only to raise awareness, but to work toward solutions for a problem that plagues local communities, the nation and the world.

All proceeds benefit the BRAFB. Public events include:

Presentation: The Economics of Hunger

Monday, Oct. 21; 11am-12:15; S109

Les Sinclair of the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank explains how the cost of hunger impacts more than just personal finances.

Fundraiser: Q’doba

Monday, Oct 21; 12-1pm; Houff Cafeteria

Minimum $5 donation for meal.

Presentation: Hunger & Social Responsibility          

Oct. 23, 11am-12:15pm; S109

Panel discussion featuring individuals who manage a Staunton food pantry and the coordinator of the JMU food pantry for students.

Empty Bowl Dinner 

Thursday, Oct 24; 6 pm; P126   

The Empty Bowl Dinner raises awareness of and funds to combat local hunger. Attendees receive a ceramic bowl, soup, beverage, and dessert. Tickets are $20 in advance online at: or at the door.

Shenandoah Cabaret in Concert: A New World of Song       

Oct. 25 & 26; 7:30pm; Fine Arts Center Black Box Theatre (V135)  

Benefit for Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Buy tickets ($20/each) online: